What daily diet should I follow to gain weight?

Studies Media
7 min readJan 8, 2023

Gaining weight can be just as much of a challenge as losing weight for some people. If you are trying to put on weight, it is important to do so in a healthy way by following a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity. This means choosing nutrient-dense, calorie-dense foods and including a variety of different types of nutrients in your diet.

What to Include in Your Diet

Protein: Protein is an essential nutrient that is necessary for the growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues in the body. It is also important for the production of enzymes, hormones, and other molecules that are involved in a variety of bodily functions. Good sources of protein include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans, nuts, and seeds. Aim to include protein-rich foods at every meal and snack.

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are an important source of energy for the body. They are found in a wide range of foods, including grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Choose complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, beans, and starchy vegetables, over simple carbohydrates, such as sugar and refined grains. These types of carbs are higher in fiber and nutrients and will help you feel fuller for longer.

Fats: Fats are an essential part of a healthy diet and should not be avoided. They provide energy, help absorb fat-soluble vitamins, and support brain function. Choose healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocado, and nuts, rather than unhealthy fats, such as fried foods and processed snack foods.

Vitamins and minerals: In addition to macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fat), it is important to include a variety of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) in your diet. These nutrients are necessary for a wide range of bodily functions and can be found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products.

Calories: To gain weight, you need to be in a calorie surplus, meaning that you are consuming more calories than you are burning. This can be achieved by increasing the portion sizes of the foods you are already eating or by adding in calorie-dense foods, such as nuts, seeds, and avocado. Keep track of your daily calorie intake to ensure you are consuming enough to support weight gain.

Meal Planning and Snacking

Eat frequently: To gain weight, it is important to eat frequent, balanced meals and snacks. This can help to boost your metabolism and provide your body with a steady supply of energy. Aim to eat every 3–4 hours.

Focus on nutrient-dense foods: Rather than filling up empty calories from junk food, focus on incorporating nutrient-dense, calorie-dense foods into your diet. These types of foods are high in nutrients and calories, but also provide your body with the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients it needs to function properly.

Plan ahead: Planning your meals and snacks can help to ensure that you are meeting your calorie and nutrient needs. Consider packing healthy snacks, such as nuts or fruit, to have on hand when you are on the go.

Don’t forget to hydrate: Staying hydrated is important for overall health and can also help to support weight gain. Aim to drink 8–10 cups of water per day, in addition to any other beverages you consume.


While diet is important for weight gain, exercise is also an important factor to consider. Engaging in regular physical activity can help to boost your metabolism and support muscle growth. This can be especially important if you are trying to gain weight in the form of muscle mass.

Many types of exercises can be beneficial for weight gain, including strength training and cardio. Strength training, such as lifting weights or using resistance bands, can help to build muscle and increase metabolism. Cardio exercises, such as running or cycling, can also help to boost metabolism and support weight gain by burning calories.

It is important to find an exercise routine that you enjoy and that fits into your schedule. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week. You can also break this down into shorter, more manageable chunks of time, such as 30 minutes per day.

Here are a few additional tips to help you healthily gain weight:

Eat a variety of foods: Try to include a wide range of nutrient-dense foods in your diet to ensure you are getting a variety of different nutrients.

Don’t skip meals: It is important to eat regularly to support weight gain. Don’t skip meals or go too long without eating.

Eat slowly: Take your time to eat and enjoy your food. This can help you to feel full and satisfied and may help to prevent over-eating.

Pay attention to portion sizes: It is important to pay attention to portion sizes to ensure you are getting enough calories to support weight gain. Use measuring cups and spoons to help you portion out your food and consider using a food scale to measure your portions.

Choose nutrient-dense snacks: Snacking can greatly increase your calorie intake and support weight gain. Choose nutrient-dense snacks, such as nuts, seeds, or fruit, rather than empty-calorie snacks like chips or candy.

By following a healthy, balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity, you can support weight gain and improve your overall health. Remember to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

It is also important to be mindful of any potential food sensitivities or allergies when trying to gain weight. If you have a food intolerance or allergy, it is important to avoid those trigger foods and choose alternative options to support weight gain. For example, suppose you are lactose intolerant. In that case, you may need to choose lactose-free dairy products or alternative sources of calcium, such as leafy green vegetables or fortified plant-based milk.

Additionally, it is important to be mindful of the quality of the calories you are consuming. While it is important to be in a calorie surplus to gain weight, it is also important to choose nutrient-dense, whole foods rather than highly processed, unhealthy options. This can help to ensure that you are getting the nutrients you need to support overall health and well-being.

It is also important to consider any underlying medical conditions that may be impacting your ability to gain weight. For example, if you have a medical condition that affects your appetite or digestion, it may be more challenging to gain weight. In these cases, it is important to work with a healthcare professional to address any underlying issues and develop a plan to support weight gain.

Finally, it is important to be patient and consistent when trying to gain weight. Weight gain can take time, and it is important to be consistent with your diet and exercise routine to see progress. Remember to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed, and don’t be discouraged if progress is slow. By following a healthy, balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity, you can support weight gain and improve your overall health.

Here are a few additional tips to help you healthily gain weight:

Eat protein-rich foods at every meal: Protein is important for building and repairing tissues in the body, as well as for supporting muscle growth. Try to include protein-rich foods, such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans, nuts, and seeds, at every meal.

Choose calorie-dense foods: To gain weight, you need to be in a calorie surplus, meaning that you are consuming more calories than you are burning. Choose calorie-dense foods, such as nuts, seeds, avocado, and olive oil, to help increase your calorie intake.

Incorporate healthy fats into your diet: Fats are an essential part of a healthy diet and should not be avoided. Choose healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocado, and nuts, rather than unhealthy fats, such as fried foods and processed snack foods.

Eat a variety of whole, unprocessed foods: In addition to choosing nutrient-dense foods, it is also important to focus on whole, unprocessed foods. These types of foods are generally higher in nutrients and lower in added sugars and unhealthy fats.

Don’t forget to hydrate: Staying hydrated is important for overall health and can also help to support weight gain. Aim to drink 8–10 cups of water per day, in addition to any other beverages you consume.

By following these guidelines and incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense, calorie-dense foods into your diet, you can support weight gain and improve your overall health. Remember to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.


Healthily gaining weight requires a balanced approach that includes a nutrient-dense diet and regular physical activity. Focus on incorporating a variety of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats into your meals and snacks, and aim for at least 150 minutes of exercise per week. By following these guidelines, you can support weight gain and improve your overall health.

It is also important to note that everyone’s nutritional needs are different, so it may be helpful to work with a registered dietitian or nutritionist to create a personalized meal plan that meets your specific needs and goals.



Studies Media

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